Upper Primary Homebase: 2nd + 3rd Grades
Our Upper Primary program is a multiage learning environment. This homebase is composed of Second and Third Graders. Students come together for community related moments such as Morning Meeting, goal setting, Project-Based Learning, and enrichment classes. Students are differentiated and leveled for Core Skills based on readiness. Online applications are utilized to further support and tailor individualized instruction. Students are guided by one Lead Teacher.
The Bobcats

7 - 8 years old
full day schedule or homeschool option
10 children, 1 guiding adult
focus on questions, place-based research, social awareness, and emotional health
Core Skills block in AM - differentiated by readiness
Project-Based Learning + ECO's in PM - differentiated by interest
Daily 5 Framework for Literacy, CAFE Model, Words Their Way
​Epic to supplement literacy
Illustrative Mathematics
Khan Academy, Beast Academy to supplement mathematics
Guided Explorations and Passion Projects to include public presentations
Electives including graphic novels, Jam Band, theatre, and open art studio